Yoshinoya’s Yakiniku and Katsudon – More Rants than Raves

Here’s another super overdue post.

Last August, Yoshinoya had this promo Buy 1, Take 1 on their Yakiniku and Katsudon. We haven’t tried anything from Yoshinoya yet so we decided to head to their branch in SM Mall of Asia to take advantage of the promo with our printouts of the coupon.

Yoshinoya - CertifiedFoodies.com

When we got there, the Yoshinoya girl at the counter told us there’s no pork available for the Katsudon. We can only choose between chicken or fish. Since it was Kien who wanted that, we gave him the choice. He opted for the Chicken Katsudon.

Before I even let you know what we think about the Katsudon and Yakiniku, I just wanted to say that I was extremely disappointed with Yoshinoya’s crew in SM MOA. When we got there, most of the tables inside their store were already occupied except for this one almost at the corner, with sofas on both sides. The table still needed to be cleaned and we looked around to ask for assistance. There were 3 crew members just chattering away at the other side of the store, near the comfort room (I guess). We called them out. They looked at our direction, then went on with their chattering, ignoring us. We had to call out the attention of the crew at the counter to ask someone to clean up our table. While Kien was doing this, I already started clearing our table.

Sorry, but it really irritates me when people don’t perform their jobs well. I mean, I’m okay with the chattering, but if a customer calls your attention to request assistance, you should accommodate them! Those 3 crew members (1 woman, 2 men) didn’t even bother to call someone else if they were too freaking busy to assist us. Sheesh. As much as I wanted to talk to their manager because of their behavior, I decided not to ’cause we just started our day. And we thought we were going to enjoy a good meal at Yoshinoya.

Going back to the food, we had 2 separate coupons for the Yakiniku and Katsudon. So, we ended up with 4 bowls to share among us 3.

Yoshinoya's Beef Yakiniku and Chicken Katsudon - CertifiedFoodies.com

First, let me tell you about their Chicken Katsudon. It was just plain Katsudon. Nothing really memorable. Kien makes a better Katsudon actually. Plus, one of the chicken pieces we got had this burnt taste. We didn’t finish them because the chicken was also not tender at all.

Yoshinoya's Chicken Katsudon - CertifiedFoodies.com

Next, the Beef Yakiniku. We enjoyed it more than the Katsudon. Though it was too sweet for Mai, I still enjoyed it a lot. I just wish there’s not much fat there.

Yoshinoya's Beef Yakiniku - CertifiedFoodies.com

I’ve heard of raves about Yoshinoya’s Katsudon and Yakiniku, so I was quite surprised that we were disappointed by what we tasted. Our first dining experience at Yoshinoya left a bad taste in my mouth to the point that I would’ve needed Olay Regenerist or some kind of anti-aging cream to hide the frustration on my face as we left their SM MOA store. My guess is those people who are raving about Yoshinoya dined in their other branches. Or, it could be because they had a buy one, take one promo, they weren’t concerned about the quality of their food.

We really thought we’d have a great meal at Yoshinoya that’s why it was the first thing on our itinerary that day. When we finished our meals, we weren’t full and satisfied. It did affect our day. Now, I don’t know if I’d want to try Yoshinoya’s food again. But, maybe…just maybe… I’ll try their Beef Yakiniku again, their Gyudon and other items on their menu at another branch.

Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream – My New Indulgence

Sadly, Haagen-Dazs has decided to close their operations here in the Philippines.  Click here to read more.

I’ve been wanting to try Haagen-Dazs ice cream for months now and it was only last September that I finally had a taste of their luscious ice cream. The idea came to me ’cause I was having a really rough day and I needed something to boost my mood. And, so, with my brother accompanying me, we decided to finally head out to Häagen-Dazs in SM Mall of Asia to try their ice cream.

Haagen-Dazs in SM Mall of Asia - CertifiedFoodies.com

Some may be a li’l intimidated to try Haagen-Dazs’ ice cream. I can’t really blame them because, first, the name is hard to pronounce. Hahaha. Seriously. I can’t really pinpoint where the name Häagen-Dazs originated, but this brand of ice cream was established by two Polish entrepreneurs back in the 60’s.

Another reason why most people I know haven’t tried Häagen-Dazs ice cream is because of the price, that you need a high-paying finance job to afford their ice cream. They’re really expensive, even for me who don’t usually care about the price as long as the food is great. So, that very first time in September that I got to try their world-famous ice cream, it took me a bit longer to decide on what to order ’cause I forgot to withdraw money from my ATM account (hahaha). Good thing one of their staff gave us their menu so we can decide on what to order within my budget. Oh, I love their menu! I wanted to take them home with me! *LOL*

Haagen-Dazs menu - CertifiedFoodies.com

I also love the ambiance inside their store. Their staff were also very friendly. The guy at the counter even offered to take our photos, but I declined ’cause I looked like a mess after what transpired the night before. Anyway, their staff who was waiting on us to order was very patient and even suggested a couple of things we should try. I so wanted to try their Fondue, but I was afraid my bro and I won’t be able to finish everything since we’re planning on having dinner later.

Waiting on our Haagen-Dazs ice cream - CertifiedFoodies.com

Continue reading Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream – My New Indulgence

Gelatissimo : My First Gelato Experience

Yes, it’s my first time enjoying a cup of gelato. And all I can say is I don’t think I’m going back to eating plain ice cream very soon. Thanks to Gelatissimo Cafe at Trinoma!

Gelatissimo Cafe in Trinoma - CertifiedFoodies.com

If you’re not yet familiar what gelato is, it’s actually Italy’s variant of ice cream. It’s mostly made up of the same ingredients as other frozen dairy desserts, but the difference is how it’s frozen. Also, gelato is known to have less butterfat and sugar contents. I guess that’s why it became an instant hit here in the Philippines.

Kien and I desperately wanted to try gelato after reading  “Eat, Pray, Love”. Since we were scheduled to watch The Social Network at Trinoma, we decided to head out to Gelatissimo.

Gelatissimo flavors - CertifiedFoodies.com

Continue reading Gelatissimo : My First Gelato Experience

Krispy Kreme’s Baked Creations

Krispy Kreme's Baked Creations - CertifiedFoodies.comA few months ago (yes, this is a long overdue post), Krispy Kreme launched their new line of goodies – Baked Creations. They had a Brunch Buddy Treats promo in September where the first 100 for each Krispy Kreme branch to post about their brunch buddy on Krispy Kreme’s Facebook page will receive a free brunch.

My brother Kien and I joined the promo. We’re big fans of Krispy Kreme’s glazed doughnuts so we were excited to try their new baked goodies. Initially, we had separate branches because we didn’t have any plans yet on where we’ll be claiming our free brunch. When we finally decided to go to Greenhills for our bi-monthly food trip, I requested if I can claim my free brunch there along with my bro.

I didn’t get a response yet regarding my request when we arrived in Krispy Kreme Greenhills on the 30th of September. But, I’m sure glad they accommodated my request. And, I would like to commend their staff at their Greenhills branch. They were all oh-so friendly. Thumbs up! ^_^

Going back to Krispy Kreme’s new Baked Creations, there are actually two variants to choose from – Pull Aparts and Kruffins. My bro and I decided we try one from each variant. Our free brunch included free Orange You Glad. I find it very refreshing. It’s a mix of navel, mandarin and tangerine orange flavors.Krispy Kreme Orange You Glad - CertifiedFoodies.comThe Baked Creations Pull Aparts are for those who prefer savory flavors for breakfast. They tasted like croissant with added flavor, mostly because of the toppings, meat and dips that come along with them. They have 4 flavors that you can choose from: Cheese (Php 65), Sausage and Cheese (Php 70), Bacon and Cheese (Php 70), and Cinnamon (Php 65). Kien chose the one with bacon, of course.

Krispy Kreme Pull Apart Bacon and Cheese - CertifiedFoodies.com

Continue reading Krispy Kreme’s Baked Creations

Merienda at The French Baker

Last month, after our lunch at Bigby’s Restaurant and some window-shopping and strolling at SM Mall of Asia, we headed to The French Baker for some merienda or light snack. Well, that light merienda turned to a very fulfilling meal at 4PM.

The French Baker at SM Mall of Asia - CertifiedFoodies.com

I’ve been to French Baker a couple of times before because my mother loves their breads and I enjoy their pasta so much. Mai haven’t been there yet so we decided to order some familiar food on their menu.

The French Baker Iced Mocca and Four Seasons - CertifiedFoodies.com

First, our drinks. I ordered a tall glass of French Baker’s Iced Mocca (Php 52) and Mai chose the Four Seasons (Php 48). Nothing new or surprising with the flavors as expected, but we enjoyed how refreshing and ice-cold they were when served.

The French Baker Potato Salad - CertifiedFoodies.com

We were then served our starter (yep, we ordered a salad for merienda time *LOL*) – Potato Salad topped with crispy bacon bits. It was served cold and really tasty. I love that the chunky slices of potatoes give you a li’l bite or crunch. I also loved the simple presentation.

Continue reading Merienda at The French Baker

Bigby’s Cafe and Restaurant : A Review

While scouring SM Mall of Asia for a place we’d dine in for lunch, we saw Bigby’s Cafe and Restaurant near the IMAX Theater / Entertainment Mall. I’ve heard about them from friends and so we decided to try their menu.

Bigby's Cafe & Restaurant at SM Mall of Asia - CertifiedFoodies.com

Bigby's Cafe & Restaurant Menu - CertifiedFoodies.com

Bigby’s Cafe & Restaurant offers a diverse selection of food on their menu. We couldn’t really decide what to order, but we ended up with a salad for starter, two main meals and a dessert. We had other plans later in the afternoon, so we didn’t want to be too full for any more food trip.

Continue reading Bigby’s Cafe and Restaurant : A Review

Olive Oil : The Healthier Choice

I’ve mentioned on my other blog that my brother and I are on a weight loss plan. One of the things included on our list is changing how we prepare our food.

Olive oil - the healthier choice - CertifiedFoodies.com

We used to cook our food on regular oil. There were even times our food would really be oily, but it won’t matter to us even though we know it can cause some unhealthy things to our body like heart problems and severe acne. So, we have decided that from now on, we’ll be using olive oil as much as we can because of its health benefits.

Olive oil is known for its good effects on health. It actually reduces the levels of bad cholesterol that can build up fatty deposits in arteries. It lowers cholesterol levels and reduces the chances of heart problems.

Olive oil is also known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. It also maintains metabolism and helps in development of brains and bones. It’s also a good source of Vitamin E and can help maintain a healthy eating routine. I guess that’s why I’m able to reduce my food cravings after I started preparing my baked chicken breast with olive oil.

We bought this Olitalia Pomace Olive Oil. It’s not actually pure olive oil, but I only use it for baking. It has a high smoke point so I can cook it long enough to bring that smoky flavor on my baked chicken. I’m planning on buying Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) next time I grocery-shop.

Olitalia Pomace Olive Oil - CertifiedFoodies.com

How about you? Do you use Olive Oil for your home cooking?

KFC Chili Lime Chicken : New, Exciting Flavors!

We were invited to the launch of KFC’s new chicken flavor last week, but, unfortunately, we weren’t able to join. Aside from food bloggers, KFC also invited some of their Facebook fans who sent in the most creative guesses on what their new chicken flavor is. Ken guessed “Chicken Tocino“. That would’ve been good, too, right? He’s a tocino addict, FYI. *LOL*

After the event in Blue Leaf Events Pavillion in McKinley Hill Village in Taguig, I found out what their new chicken flavor is – KFC Chili Lime Chicken.

KFC's new Chili Lime Chicken flavor - CertifiedFoodies.com

I was pretty excited to try this new chicken flavor. I’m a HUGE fan of KFC, especially their Hot and Crispy chicken, California Maki Twister and their fries. So, their Chili Lime Chicken was really something I looked forward to tasting.

Last weekend, we finally got a taste of KFC’s Chili Lime Chicken at their branch near Gilmore. And, all I can say is the combination of chili and lime is really interesting.

A taste of KFC Chili Lime Chicken - CertifiedFoodies.com

First off, I just wanted to say this – I don’t like sprinkled flavor powder on anything. So, I didn’t particularly enjoy the flavor powder on my Chili Lime chicken. BUT, I loved how these 2 flavors – chili and lime – gave KFC’s chicken a new twist.

They say that the Chili Lime Chicken is marinated in special Chili Lime spices. That part, I really love. The chicken meat really bursts with flavor. And, I’m pretty happy that the chicken meal we ordered was still very warm so you can really taste and enjoy the chili lime flavors.

I’ve read some comments from KFC fans who didn’t particularly like the Chili Lime chicken. They say it tastes weird. I say, it’s new and interesting. The first time I bit into my Chili Lime chicken, I immediately tasted the lime flavor. I love limes on anything so I really enjoyed it. The chili or spicy flavor of the chicken, though, got a li’l overpowered by the zestiness of the lime flavor. I can only taste the spiciness on the chicken skin. I guess I was looking for a li’l more chili flavor on the chicken itself.

However, I still enjoyed my KFC Chili Lime chicken because it was something new. I love the flavors combined with KFC’s tender chicken meat and, of course, their famous gravy (soup to other people *LOL*). I’m actually thinking of trying preparing chicken here at home using these 2 flavors to see how it’ll turn out.

2 piece KFC Chili Lime Chicken meal - CertifiedFoodies.com

By the way, we ordered the 2-piece KFC Chili Lime chicken meal. I didn’t know that you can actually choose from the 3 flavors for ANY KFC chicken meal. If I did, I would’ve ordered their Fully Loaded Twister meal instead with Chili Lime-flavored chicken. Kien and I had to order 2 separate California Maki Twisters *LOL* I know, we’re on a diet, but when we’re in KFC, we just can’t help but go on a food trip. We don’t need the best multivitamin to boost our appetite when it comes to KFC. We just love their food! ^_^

Have you tried KFC’s Chili Lime Chicken?
How did you find the combination of the tangy lime flavor and spiciness?

What’s Inside your Refrigerator?

Whenever I watch American shows or movies, I envy how the refrigerators they have at home are all filled with food like ingredients for a healthful sandwich for snack time or lunch, and fruits or vegetables for their dinner salads. I’ve always wanted to have an organized refrigerator containing only healthful ingredients for cooking, especially now that my whole family is trying to eat healthier. It’s a li’l hard to keep it all organized now because of what we have to place in there.

Here’s a peak inside our refrigerator and freezer. We own a Kelvinator refrigerator that has been with us for over a decade. The only problem with this refrigerator now is we have to really push the door to completely close it properly. But, it still works well.

  Inside our trusty Kelvinator refrigerator - CertifiedFoodies.com
What you’ll usually see inside our refrigerator.


On the refrigerator door, currently, you’d see eggs,one-liter powdered juice sachets, sandwich spread sachets and bottles, and a bottle of mustard. We prefer to buy sachets to save space and money. We usually tend to use more sandwich spread or powdered juice than we should when we buy bigger packs or bottles.

There’s not much inside our refrigerator because we usually buy food supplies weekly. My mother goes to the market every weekend to buy meat. We’re also pretty much very independent here so we end up cooking for ourselves. So, she just buys ingredients that we could use for anything we might want to cook.

As you can see at the bottom of the refrigerator, we have a plastic container / box for our vegetables. However, I still prefer a more organized refrigerator. I want something bigger so we can stock more healthful ingredients for salads, sandwiches, etc. This is my dream refrigerator – Whirlpool ED5LHAXWB refrigerator.

  My dream refrigerator - Whirlpool ED5LHAXWB Refrigerator - CertifiedFoodies.com
  Whirlpool refrigerator – my dream ref!


I love its features, especially the ice dispensing and water filtration systems. And, you’ve got huge space inside plus the door bins. It also has a coldness controlled drawer to keep meats, cheese or beverage fresh longer.

I know, this refrigerator model is quite expensive. I’m not even sure if we have this here. I just saw it on Best Buy while I was searching for a refrigerator I want to own in the future. If I get to own a ref like this, I’ll post another photo of what’s inside.


How about you?
What’s inside your refrigerator?

If you have a photo of what’s inside your refrigerator on your blog,
share it with me in the comments section and I’ll link you up on this post.


Written by blankpixels

Yogiberry Frozen Yogurt : Self Serve Froyo

After I’ve had my taste of frozen yogurt (froyo) from different stores/stalls (Red Mango, White Hat, Yoh-Gurt), I’ve decided to try ALL the frozen yogurts I could find. There are a LOT, and I mean a lot, of frozen yogurt stores mushrooming all over the metro. And, my brother Ken and I discovered another froyo that really got us all interested because of how it’s prepared. I’m talking about Yogiberry Frozen Yogurt.

  Yogiberry Frozen Yogurt in Greenhills - CertifiedFoodies.com
  Yogiberry Frozen Yogurt in Greenhills Shopping Mall (Virra Mall)

The Yogiberry stall on the second floor of V-Mall in Greenhills, just below the food court, got us all curious. There’s this Yogiberry guy handing out cups to people passing by. When we saw the “pumping station”, I was like, “What’s up with this?!”. The guy, with a smile on his face, instructed us on how to prepare our own cup of frozen yogurt. It’s a self-service yogurt station, which really caught my attention. I like self-service stores or food places because I prefer to have control over my servings. *grin*

  Yogiberry Frozen Yogurt self-service station - CertifiedFoodies.com
  Yogiberry’s self-service station – prepare your own cup of yogurt

Continue reading Yogiberry Frozen Yogurt : Self Serve Froyo