The New KFC Cheesy Bacon Twister

KFC Double Down sandwich and California Maki Twister -

After the Double Down and California Maki Twister, KFC has launched something new that I bet all of us would enjoy – KFC’s Cheesy Bacon Twister! I can’t wait to try this!

KFC Cheesy Bacon Twister -

I loved KFC Double Down sandwich even though it was a li’l salty for me. I just love the combination of the cheese, KFC’s chicken and bacon. Now, I’m glad they lessened the guilt by combining all 3 in a twister!

I super love KFC. In fact, if there’s a KFC addicts meeting, I’d probably be one of them wearing those name plates while I tell my story how I can’t seem to get enough of KFC. But, I won’t be ashamed. KFC always whets my appetite.

Some foodies living outside the Philippines have always been amazed at the new products that KFC here in our country come up with. I guess KFC here just knows how to please the taste of Pinoys. We love to feast! 😉

I might try KFC’s Cheesy Bacon Twister next week when we go grocery-shopping. Have you already tried it? What do you think?


For the Love of KFC…

Written by blankpixels

KFC Double Down Sandwich. Yes, I’m Guilty!

KFC's new poster for their Double Down Sandwich - CertifiedFoodies.comAfter weeks of craving for KFC Double Down sandwich, I finally got to try it! I’ve tried ordering at one of their branches a few days after they launched this new item on their menu and as early as 1pm, the KFC branches were usually out of KFC Double Down sandwiches.

I honestly think it was a marketing strategy by KFC to viral market their new product. And, I can tell you it worked ’cause I think the Double Down was one of the most talked about new fast food products since it was launched. It was like they were playing hard-to-get, increasing the curiosity and eagerness of people to finally get to try it.

Anyway, when I called for delivery, it was around 5pm and the agent on the other line told me they are now required to offer their KFC Double Down sandwiches. I guess that means the hype has finally died down. OR, their viral marketing has already ended. What do you think? Hehehe.

About KFC’s Double Down, if you haven’t seen the commercial or poster yet, it’s the “shamelessly meaty” and sinful new sandwich by KFC. It’s filled with bacon, cheese and mayonnaise, sandwiched between two KFC chicken fillets. If that’s not meaty for you yet, you’re crazy!! *LOL*

My KFC Double Down sandwich - bacon, mayonnaise, cheese and 2 chicken fillets -

I’ve read about people saying it was too salty for them so I decided to order Garden Salad (Php 49.50) along with it. I ordered two, one for my parents to share, the other for me and my bro.

KFC Garden Salad - helped in making the Double Down less sinful -

I ordered a total of 4 KFC Double Down sandwiches, each cost Php 110.00.

My KFC Double Down sandwich -

At first, I thought KFC Double Down wasn’t salty. I was enjoying it a lot. It’s really good, especially because of the KFC chicken fillets. I love KFC’s chicken!

Continue reading KFC Double Down Sandwich. Yes, I’m Guilty!

Very Easy Homemade Quesadilla with Salsa Recipe

I am a big fan of Mexican food. I remember back in college, my friend and I would usually have lunch at this small Mexican food joint near our school in Quezon City. I forgot the name of the place (I’ll update this post when I remember / Update: The name of the place is Miggy’s! Thanks to my college lunch buddy Garet for remembering) , but I so love their Churros and Quesadilla.

The owner makes a really mean salsa that complements their chicken quesadilla. I never forgot how it tasted. And since then, I was always open for an any-day meal at any Mexican restaurant I can find.

I’ve already tried Mexicali and Taco Bell. But, I’m going to try them again just so I can write something fresh about them. I remember Taco Bell’s Quesadilla and salsa being too bland for my taste, especially when I compare it to that Mexican joint I used to frequent in college.

A few weeks ago, I was really craving for some Mexican food and I wanted to try to make quesadillas at home. So, we scoured the Landmark supermarket in Trinoma to find the ingredients I need. Unfortunately, though, not all that I wanted were available but I made sure that the salsa ingredients were complete. For me, that’s the most important part of the whole quesadilla experience – the slightly bitter-sweet and spicy flavors of the salsa mixed with the bit of saltiness of the chicken and the cheese in the quesadilla.

Here’s my own recipe of the chicken quesadilla. It’s so simple, anyone can make it at home. I’m proud to say that I got the right flavors on my salsa that my brother and I forgot all about our limits. It was THAT good… well, for us. And I know you’re going to enjoy this, too.

Some may prefer guacamole or sour cream for their quesadilla. I love salsa though, but I’m going to try these other dips/sauces next time.

For the salsa, you can take out the cumin or garlic powder if you’re making this for your kids since they might not like these strong flavors. You can also click site here if you’d like to read reviews of the best quesadilla makers if you want to get a more authentic quesadilla look and feel.

Chicken Quesadilla with salsa -

Chicken Quesadilla and Salsa Recipe

Continue reading Very Easy Homemade Quesadilla with Salsa Recipe

Time-Saving Techniques for Foodies Out There

You might say I’m watching too much Hell’s Kitchen nowadays, but ever since I started cooking again, I realized how preparation for cooking or prepping is one important factor in the whole cooking process. The faster you prepare your ingredients, the faster and fresher the result would be. So, I decided to share these videos.

I actually discovered these videos years ago when they weren’t revealed yet as part of Sprint’s viral marketing campaign, when they were still on (the URL will redirect you to Sprint’s website).

We’ve posted before about how you can make homemade ice cream using a plastic bag and these:  salt, ice, and the ingredients for your chosen ice cream flavor. Now, fancy these:


I haven’t tried this one yet, but it looks easy. Some may argue that the potato would be cold. But, I don’t think 5 seconds in that pool of ice would affect the inside of the potato. Only the potato skin’s affected, that’s why it’s easier to peel or remove it. I’m going to try this next time I see potatoes in our ref.

Continue reading Time-Saving Techniques for Foodies Out There

Jollibee Champion Meal Ad is a Hoax!

I just heard from a friend on Facebook that she overheard someone trying to order the rumored Jollibee Champion Meal, supposedly Jollibee’s competing new product against KFC’s Double Down, which I haven’t tried yet, by the way.

When I first saw this ad, I literally laughed out loud. I’m like, “Are they serious?!” I checked Jollibee’s Facebook page and I saw no announcement whatsoever about this new product. So, I knew it was fake. But, apparently, a couple of people thought it was true.

The fake Jollibee Champion Meal ad -

Well, it if was true, I’d be one of the first people to try it. I love Jollibee’s chicken! But, I didn’t like that the patties were mostly made of chicken skin. Hahaha.

Anyway, here are posts from Jollibee’s Facebook page and Twitter account announcing that the Jollibee Champion Meal ad is a hoax:

Official word from Jollibee on Facebook -

Official word from Jollibee on Twitter -

It was a pretty cool hoax though. Whoever made the ad was crazy… in a good way. Hahaha. Or is this Jollibee’s viral marketing coming into play? I guess we’ll never know, right? Hehehe. A lot of people are requesting Jollibee to make this Jollibee Champion Meal a reality. Not sure if they’ll take heed. ^_^



For the Love of Jollibee…

Written by blankpixels

Continue reading Jollibee Champion Meal Ad is a Hoax!

GT: Eating Out in SM Mall of Asia

It’s simply amazing how many new restaurants and food places are opening up almost every week here in the Metro. There are so many of them to visit and so many new dishes to try. And I’m so glad we have a food blog to write about our foodie adventures.

One of the many places I love going back to is SM Mall of Asia. When I first went there, I was amazed by the number of food choices available to me. Like, seriously! There are about a hundred of food places there so anyone, whatever cravings you might have, you can be satisfied with the wide variety of restaurants/food establishments in MOA.

I remember enjoying just sitting at the Esplanade or MOA’s boardwalk area. There are a lot of restaurants there, too, including a small seafood market known as their own version of Dampa – Taste Asia. I haven’t dined there yet, but I’ve seen the place so I’m really looking forward to enjoying lunch with family or friends there really soon. If you want to know the wide choices of food and Asian cuisines available at Taste Asia, check out the post at Our Awesome Planet (right photo, credits to Anton).

I also love staying at the al fresco dining and hangout areas just outside the Hypermarket. I used to just stay there and watch people walk by, checking out what everyone’s wearing. Some on their flip flops, others in their formal or high-heeled shoes. Some look like fashion models strutting their stuff down that walk like they’re on an actual runway. It’s fun to watch seeing different kinds of fashion choices by people – some in petite clothing, really fashionable clothes; others, wearing scarves at noon time! It’s one of my habits actually. Just looking at how other people dress up. I think I was supposed to be a fashion designer, but I ended up designing blogs instead. *LOL* And that’s what I love about MOA. You can wear anything you want without feeling conscious.

Anyway, going back to the food establishments in SM Mall of Asia, here are some of those that I’ve already tried and have already written about here:

Bigby's Cafe & Restaurant in SM Mall of Asia -

The French Baker in SM Mall of Asia -

Continue reading GT: Eating Out in SM Mall of Asia

I Miss A&W Root Beer and Float, too!

I remember, everytime we go to SM North Edsa in Quezon City, I never miss going to the A&W store at the Annex. Their root beer float is the best I’ve had and I so love their root beer, too.

Too bad that all the A&W stores here in the Philippines closed 6 years ago, in 2004. I so miss their root beer and their float, served in their heavy mugs, topped with vanilla ice cream scoops that complements A&W’s root beer so well.

Okay, I may be a li’l exaggerating here, but A&W root beer is the BEST I’ve tried. Well, I’ve only tried 4 brands of root beer – Mug, A&W, Zest-o and this other brand we bought from a duty-free shop in Subic, I forgot the name. And if you love root beer, too, you’d completely agree with me that A&W is THE best in making them.

A&W Root Beer Float -

It’s been years since I last had a taste of A&W’s root beer. I tried to make my own root beer float at home using Zest-o’s root beer and my favorite vanilla ice cream, but the taste is just not the same. Even the fizz and the froth were different.

Root beer float using Zest-o and Nestle Vanilla Ice Cream -

So, I was really glad when I found these A&W root beer in cans the last time we were at SM Hypermarket in Mall of Asia. I was too excited to have a taste of their root beer again that I put one can in the freezer so it’ll be ice-cold quickly.

MY Ice-cold A&W Root Beer in can -

And, when I pop-opened the can, the aroma of A&W’s root beer brought back sweet memories when I used to dine at their old store in SM. I really missed those times when I used to meet my friends (or boyfriend) in SM. It’s like whenever I’m near any A&W store, I can’t help but crave for a mug-full of their root beer float.

The A&W root beer in cans though aren’t as good as the ones they had in their stores, coming out of their taps in their serving area. It was different. But, still, I’m just happy I can still enjoy my favorite root beer.

A&W Root Beer in Cans -

I remember a couple of my fellow foodie bloggers talking about A&W and why they closed their stores here in the Philippines. Some said they weren’t able to catch on to the Filipinos’ taste. But, I think we’re more mature now as a nation to appreciate A&W’s food. Just look at all the food bloggers and foodies out there who are now into trying out different things. I know a lot of us miss A&W’s root beer. I just wish they’ll open stores here again.

Enjoying my A&W Root Beer -

For now, I’m just going to enjoy my A&W root beer in cans. ♥♥♥


For the Love of Root Beer…

Written by blankpixels

Our entry this week for:

Image credit for A&W Root Beer float: Allenooi

Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream – My New Indulgence

Sadly, Haagen-Dazs has decided to close their operations here in the Philippines.  Click here to read more.

I’ve been wanting to try Haagen-Dazs ice cream for months now and it was only last September that I finally had a taste of their luscious ice cream. The idea came to me ’cause I was having a really rough day and I needed something to boost my mood. And, so, with my brother accompanying me, we decided to finally head out to Häagen-Dazs in SM Mall of Asia to try their ice cream.

Haagen-Dazs in SM Mall of Asia -

Some may be a li’l intimidated to try Haagen-Dazs’ ice cream. I can’t really blame them because, first, the name is hard to pronounce. Hahaha. Seriously. I can’t really pinpoint where the name Häagen-Dazs originated, but this brand of ice cream was established by two Polish entrepreneurs back in the 60’s.

Another reason why most people I know haven’t tried Häagen-Dazs ice cream is because of the price, that you need a high-paying finance job to afford their ice cream. They’re really expensive, even for me who don’t usually care about the price as long as the food is great. So, that very first time in September that I got to try their world-famous ice cream, it took me a bit longer to decide on what to order ’cause I forgot to withdraw money from my ATM account (hahaha). Good thing one of their staff gave us their menu so we can decide on what to order within my budget. Oh, I love their menu! I wanted to take them home with me! *LOL*

Haagen-Dazs menu -

I also love the ambiance inside their store. Their staff were also very friendly. The guy at the counter even offered to take our photos, but I declined ’cause I looked like a mess after what transpired the night before. Anyway, their staff who was waiting on us to order was very patient and even suggested a couple of things we should try. I so wanted to try their Fondue, but I was afraid my bro and I won’t be able to finish everything since we’re planning on having dinner later.

Waiting on our Haagen-Dazs ice cream -

Continue reading Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream – My New Indulgence

Merienda at The French Baker

Last month, after our lunch at Bigby’s Restaurant and some window-shopping and strolling at SM Mall of Asia, we headed to The French Baker for some merienda or light snack. Well, that light merienda turned to a very fulfilling meal at 4PM.

The French Baker at SM Mall of Asia -

I’ve been to French Baker a couple of times before because my mother loves their breads and I enjoy their pasta so much. Mai haven’t been there yet so we decided to order some familiar food on their menu.

The French Baker Iced Mocca and Four Seasons -

First, our drinks. I ordered a tall glass of French Baker’s Iced Mocca (Php 52) and Mai chose the Four Seasons (Php 48). Nothing new or surprising with the flavors as expected, but we enjoyed how refreshing and ice-cold they were when served.

The French Baker Potato Salad -

We were then served our starter (yep, we ordered a salad for merienda time *LOL*) – Potato Salad topped with crispy bacon bits. It was served cold and really tasty. I love that the chunky slices of potatoes give you a li’l bite or crunch. I also loved the simple presentation.

Continue reading Merienda at The French Baker

Bigby’s Cafe and Restaurant : A Review

While scouring SM Mall of Asia for a place we’d dine in for lunch, we saw Bigby’s Cafe and Restaurant near the IMAX Theater / Entertainment Mall. I’ve heard about them from friends and so we decided to try their menu.

Bigby's Cafe & Restaurant at SM Mall of Asia -

Bigby's Cafe & Restaurant Menu -

Bigby’s Cafe & Restaurant offers a diverse selection of food on their menu. We couldn’t really decide what to order, but we ended up with a salad for starter, two main meals and a dessert. We had other plans later in the afternoon, so we didn’t want to be too full for any more food trip.

Continue reading Bigby’s Cafe and Restaurant : A Review