Kido Manga Burger Cafe at Robinson’s Place, Manila

A few months ago, my brother Kien and I went out to watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 at Robinson’s Place in Manila. When we bought our tickets, we were left with just about an hour to order food we could bring in while we enjoy the movie. So, we decided on just ordering burger and fries.

I was getting desperate quickly deciding where to order that I almost ended up dragging him to McDonald’s. 😀 Good thing we saw Kido Manga Burger Cafe just around the corner, near the cinemas. Kien wanted to try something new so I agreed.

Kido Manga Burger Cafe in Robinson's Place, Manila -

When we saw Kido Manga, I was a bit skeptical because there were no people dining at their burger joint. But, the photos on their menu got me interested. I wasn’t feeling adventurous at that time so I only chose items on their menu that I’m familiar with.

Kido Manga's Japanese burgers - Will try their Ebi Katsu Burger next time -

Kido Manga's Rice Meals -

Kien wanted to try their Takoyaki, but we just didn’t have enough time to wait and eat it before heading out to the cinema. It’ll be a mess if we bring it inside so I said we’ll just save it for next time. Besides, we don’t know yet if we’d be satisfied with the taste of Kido Manga’s burgers.

Kido Manga's other food choices, including Takoyaki -

Continue reading Kido Manga Burger Cafe at Robinson’s Place, Manila

Pizza Hut Night : Lechon Pizza Review

Back in November, I posted about Pizza Hut’s Lechon Pizza promo on their Facebook fan page where you can win a feast or gift certificates. Well, guess what!?! I WON!!! If only I wasn’t at our computer shop, I would’ve jumped up and down in glee! I won Php 1,500 gift certificates from Pizza Hut, one of my favorite pizza joints.

I had issues with how I could claim the gift certificates because I can’t close the shop just to pick them up. That’s why I’m so grateful that they accommodated my request to have my prize shipped to my home address through courier. Thank you so much, Pizza Hut!

My Php 1,500 gift certificates from Pizza Hut -

So, I had it all planned. I tagged my friends from The Burp Society (formerly known as Tomador Inc. :D) on the photo post where I won and they were the ones who were invited, too, for the pizza party. It was supposed to be a super late birthday celebration for one of my friends, and a post-Christmas and New year celebration all rolled into one.

My friend Badeth had her Pizza Hut Palm card with her. I confirmed with Pizza Hut’s customer service agent that I could use the Palm card. I was asking ’cause I thought they had another promo for delivery, like their All-You-Pay promos in the past.

What did we order? I really, really wanted to try the Lechon Pizza so we ordered one (1) large (14″) pizza for Php 499.

Pizza Hut's Lechon Pizza -

At first glance, I was a li’l skeptical about the Lechon Pizza. I mean, it looked a bit greasy to me. They had a separate package for the pork roasted skin that you can either break into pieces or grind to spread all over the pizza. They even include extra sauce.

Continue reading Pizza Hut Night : Lechon Pizza Review

Oh My Gulay Artist Cafe in Baguio City : A Vegetarian Experience

Ever since a friend of mine mentioned Oh My Gulay Artist Cafe in Baguio, I’ve been dying to try their food. Why? No, it’s not because it’s a vegetarian restaurant. But, since Baguio is known as a popular source of fresh vegetables like broccoli and lettuce, and other crops like strawberries, oranges (from Sagada), etc., I know I can only expect the freshest ingredients on anything on their menu. Something I wouldn’t pass up! 🙂

Oh My Gulay sign on the 4th Floor of La Azotea building along Session Road in Baguio -

So, during our 5-day vacation last month, Oh My Gulay (O.M.G.) was definitely on our itinerary. We slightly had a hard time finding it ’cause when I did my research, someone said it’s located in “Green Azotea” building. 😀 We hired a taxi for the whole day (we went to Good Shepherd and Strawberry farm, which we’ll post about next!) and the driver didn’t know any building with that name. Turns out, it’s at the La Azotea building and the color of the whole structure is, well, green. 😀

La Azotea along Session Road in Baguio City where you'd find Oh My Gulay -

It’s along Session Road so it’s pretty easy to find. It’s right in front of Metrobank. Oh My Gulay is on the 5th floor and there are no elevators. So, you’d have to climb up all the way to their floor. There’s a bookstore, a gym and other food stalls that might entertain you while you take a break from climbing up those stairs. 😀

The stairs going up to the 5th floor, to Oh My Gulay Artist Cafe at La Azotea -

Now, before I go on about Oh My Gulay’s food, let me just share with you some of the photos we took of their restaurant. The whole eclectic design drew my attention.

View from the second floor, dining area of Oh My Gulay in Baguio -

Even my bro Ken was fascinated by the intricate structure and decorations, both on the first floor and second floor. He took most of the photos of the restaurant and even went upstairs.

Continue reading Oh My Gulay Artist Cafe in Baguio City : A Vegetarian Experience

Emohruo Beach Restobar in Saud Beach, Pagudpud

One of our main destinations during our 5-day North Luzon getaway last week was the beautiful and relaxing beaches of Pagudpud in Ilocos. I’ve been wanting to go there for years now, especially after I saw photos of my brother Ken with his friends during their Pagudpud trip.

Evangeline Beach Resort's Emohruo Beach Restobar at Saud Beach in Pagudpud, Ilocos Sur -

We stayed at the Saud Beach Resort hotel because there weren’t too many people staying there so we can enjoy the beach mostly all on our own. They’re one of the more expensive hotels in Pagudpud. Since we were only staying for a day, I thought screw my budget and let’s stay at the lovely Saud Beach Resort. We only paid Php 4,356 for a room good for 5, and I thought that’s already a good deal considering how lovely their resort is. Their resort seemed more relaxing than the other ones next to them.

Anyway, when we finally checked in, it was almost lunch time (they allowed us to check in earlier since there weren’t too many people staying at the resort). Ken said we should check out the other restaurants in the area. So, we immediately headed out to the other restos on the other side of Saud beach. It was a long walk so imagine how hungry we were when we finally arrived at the area where the restaurants in Saud beach were lined up.

Among all the menus we saw, my brother and I liked Emohruo Beach Restobar‘sof Evangeline Resort the best. And, the prices were also very affordable. All I can tell you now is the long walk was so worth it!

Emohruo is actually “Our Home” spelled backwards. Cool, eh? I love the whole vibe at their restobar. People dine al fresco and the rustic design of their area just complements the whole feel of dining near the beach.

Though the sun was really up and shining brightly, we didn’t feel uncomfortable because the wind was cool and fresh. Ahhhh… I so miss it! That’s why I so love the photos I took while we were at Emohruo. It reminds me of how relaxing the resort was.

Emohruo Beach Restobar has a wide range of dishes on their menu, mostly Asian dishes with their own twists. They all sounded really good that I wanted to order one of everything! 😀

Everyone with me – my mother, my bro, our aunt Zeny and Beth (my mom’s best friend) – were all supportive of our food blog so we all agreed to order different beverages. 😀

First up, my Banana Mocha Shake (Php 98.00), marked as one of the favorites on their menu. I love, love, love Mocha flavored anything, but I didn’t completely enjoy this one. I guess it’s because of the banana. But, it was still really good and Ken enjoyed it. I guess I was expecting the mocha flavor to be stronger than the banana.

My Banana Mocha Shake from Emohruo Beach Restobar -

Continue reading Emohruo Beach Restobar in Saud Beach, Pagudpud

KFC Double Down Sandwich. Yes, I’m Guilty!

KFC's new poster for their Double Down Sandwich - CertifiedFoodies.comAfter weeks of craving for KFC Double Down sandwich, I finally got to try it! I’ve tried ordering at one of their branches a few days after they launched this new item on their menu and as early as 1pm, the KFC branches were usually out of KFC Double Down sandwiches.

I honestly think it was a marketing strategy by KFC to viral market their new product. And, I can tell you it worked ’cause I think the Double Down was one of the most talked about new fast food products since it was launched. It was like they were playing hard-to-get, increasing the curiosity and eagerness of people to finally get to try it.

Anyway, when I called for delivery, it was around 5pm and the agent on the other line told me they are now required to offer their KFC Double Down sandwiches. I guess that means the hype has finally died down. OR, their viral marketing has already ended. What do you think? Hehehe.

About KFC’s Double Down, if you haven’t seen the commercial or poster yet, it’s the “shamelessly meaty” and sinful new sandwich by KFC. It’s filled with bacon, cheese and mayonnaise, sandwiched between two KFC chicken fillets. If that’s not meaty for you yet, you’re crazy!! *LOL*

My KFC Double Down sandwich - bacon, mayonnaise, cheese and 2 chicken fillets -

I’ve read about people saying it was too salty for them so I decided to order Garden Salad (Php 49.50) along with it. I ordered two, one for my parents to share, the other for me and my bro.

KFC Garden Salad - helped in making the Double Down less sinful -

I ordered a total of 4 KFC Double Down sandwiches, each cost Php 110.00.

My KFC Double Down sandwich -

At first, I thought KFC Double Down wasn’t salty. I was enjoying it a lot. It’s really good, especially because of the KFC chicken fillets. I love KFC’s chicken!

Continue reading KFC Double Down Sandwich. Yes, I’m Guilty!

Gelatissimo : My First Gelato Experience

Yes, it’s my first time enjoying a cup of gelato. And all I can say is I don’t think I’m going back to eating plain ice cream very soon. Thanks to Gelatissimo Cafe at Trinoma!

Gelatissimo Cafe in Trinoma -

If you’re not yet familiar what gelato is, it’s actually Italy’s variant of ice cream. It’s mostly made up of the same ingredients as other frozen dairy desserts, but the difference is how it’s frozen. Also, gelato is known to have less butterfat and sugar contents. I guess that’s why it became an instant hit here in the Philippines.

Kien and I desperately wanted to try gelato after reading  “Eat, Pray, Love”. Since we were scheduled to watch The Social Network at Trinoma, we decided to head out to Gelatissimo.

Gelatissimo flavors -

Continue reading Gelatissimo : My First Gelato Experience

Merienda at The French Baker

Last month, after our lunch at Bigby’s Restaurant and some window-shopping and strolling at SM Mall of Asia, we headed to The French Baker for some merienda or light snack. Well, that light merienda turned to a very fulfilling meal at 4PM.

The French Baker at SM Mall of Asia -

I’ve been to French Baker a couple of times before because my mother loves their breads and I enjoy their pasta so much. Mai haven’t been there yet so we decided to order some familiar food on their menu.

The French Baker Iced Mocca and Four Seasons -

First, our drinks. I ordered a tall glass of French Baker’s Iced Mocca (Php 52) and Mai chose the Four Seasons (Php 48). Nothing new or surprising with the flavors as expected, but we enjoyed how refreshing and ice-cold they were when served.

The French Baker Potato Salad -

We were then served our starter (yep, we ordered a salad for merienda time *LOL*) – Potato Salad topped with crispy bacon bits. It was served cold and really tasty. I love that the chunky slices of potatoes give you a li’l bite or crunch. I also loved the simple presentation.

Continue reading Merienda at The French Baker

Bigby’s Cafe and Restaurant : A Review

While scouring SM Mall of Asia for a place we’d dine in for lunch, we saw Bigby’s Cafe and Restaurant near the IMAX Theater / Entertainment Mall. I’ve heard about them from friends and so we decided to try their menu.

Bigby's Cafe & Restaurant at SM Mall of Asia -

Bigby's Cafe & Restaurant Menu -

Bigby’s Cafe & Restaurant offers a diverse selection of food on their menu. We couldn’t really decide what to order, but we ended up with a salad for starter, two main meals and a dessert. We had other plans later in the afternoon, so we didn’t want to be too full for any more food trip.

Continue reading Bigby’s Cafe and Restaurant : A Review

Big Daddy’s Crispy Chicken Chops at Greenhills

Last week, Kien and I went to Greenhills for some shopping. I needed a new mouse and I know I’d find what I’m looking for there at a more affordable price. He was also very eager to join me since he wanted to window shop for gaming consoles.

Aside from buying a new mouse (I bought a Logitech Trackman mouse to help ease the pain on my right wrist) and searching for great deals on Xbox and other video game consoles, we also wanted to try one of the chicken joints in Greenhills Theater Mall – Big Daddy’s Chicken.

  Big Daddy's Chicken in Greenhills -
  Big Daddy’s Chicken in Greenhills Theater Mall


Big Daddy’s Chicken claims to serve "Taiwan’s Famous Crispy Chicken Chop". I’ve heard a couple of my friends raving about them, so we decided to try them out. Here’s their menu:

  Big Daddy's Chicken Menu -
  Big Daddy’s Chicken Menu – Everything is really affordable!


Supposedly, I would be ordering Big Daddy’s Porky Chop and Kien will take the Chicken Chop. But, they didn’t have any pork chops ready for frying – all were still really frozen. So, I decided to go for their Chicken Chop, too, but my bro and I chose different flavors and carbo to go with it.

  Big Daddy's Chicken Chops, chili flavor with Creamy Pasta -
Big Daddy’s Chicken Chops, chili flavor with Creamy Pasta – Php 90.00


Kien ordered Big Daddy’s Chili / Hot Chicken Chop with Creamy Pasta. Because he’s cooked A LOT of pasta at home, Kien wasn’t blown away with the pasta he ordered. Yes, it was creamy, but we wanted more flavor. And there wasn’t anything with the pasta, just creamy white sauce. I guess that’s why they just call it "creamy pasta", eh? *LoL* The serving was big enough for Kien’s appetite so they get points for that.

  Big Daddy's Chicken Chops, hot chili flavor with Creamy Pasta -
Big Daddy’s hot Chicken Chops – look at the coating and flavoring spread on top of the chicken chops. It was still good though.


Anyway, about the chili flavor, it was a bit spicy, but the flavor was more like chili powder spread on top of the chicken chop. HOWEVER, I still enjoyed it. At first taste, it could be a li’l salty, but that fades away as soon as you get to the crunchy chicken. Kien didn’t order rice so he had to use the soup that came with my order to lessen the saltiness.

  Big Daddy's Chicken Chops, in lemon flavor with rice and soup -
Big Daddy’s Chicken Chops, lemon flavor with rice and soup – Php 85.00


I ordered Big Daddy’s lemon-flavored Chicken Chop with Rice and Soup. Like Kien’s order, there was pepper and flavor powder spread on top of my chops. The lemon flavor wasn’t that strong, but it was still good. We just expected a stronger punch of lemon flavor on my chicken chops.

  Big Daddy's Chicken Chops, in lemon flavor with rice and soup -
  Big Daddy’s Chicken Chops – lemon flavor needs a li’l more punch, but I still enjoyed it because of the crispiness and juiciness of the chicken.


Even though we had a li’l issue with the saltiness and the not-so-strong lemon flavor of our chicken chops, I can say that Big Daddy’s chicken chops are really crispy and you’d get a lot of real chicken meat in there, unlike with other chicken or pork chops I’ve had from other food places where the crispy coating was thicker than the actual meat. PLUS, the serving was big considering the price. It’s really affordable and we were already filled after we’re done with our meals. We were pretty satisfied.

We give Big Daddy’s Chicken Chops at their Greenhills branch this rating (3 out of 5 smilies).


Recommended by

We’ll try the other items on their menu next time.



Written by blankpixels

Marty’s Baconette Strips – Oishi’s New Snack!

My partner and I love munching on different snacks or chips when we’re watching our favorite TV series or movies at home after a long day at our internet cafe. And, for the past week, we are in love with Oishi‘s new product – Marty’s Baconette Strips.

Oishi Marty's Baconette Strips Snacks -

Marty’s Baconette Strips are bacon-flavored snacks so if you’re worried about too much fat or calories, then, this snack is for you. It’s actually very light and Mai can’t stop munching on them. The flavor is close to how bacon should taste like so I’m also addicted to it.

Continue reading Marty’s Baconette Strips – Oishi’s New Snack!