Hansel Premium Cheese Sandwich

Update: I found boxes of Hansel Premium Cheese Sandwich at SM Hypermarket today (December 22, 2011) so I guess this is now widely available. Yayy! 🙂

A few weeks ago, there was this hype in our local internet scene over the Hansel Premium Cheese Sandwich. Yes, from the same people who brought us the Hansel Mocha Sandwich. Being a cheese lover, this new snack intrigued me a lot, especially when I saw a growing number of bloggers joining the meme (see here) where they take a photo of themselves with a box of these cheesy delight.

So, I was convinced. I just had to taste it! When we were at Ortigas for a friend’s birthday party, we saw a 7-11 branch near the area. We headed off there and luckily found 2 boxes of this baby.

Hansel Premium Cheese Sandwich I bought at 7-11 - CertifiedFoodies.comI took the photo right at the counter, beside the barcode scanners at the 7-11 branch.

Each box only costs Php 37.00 and most people have reported that it’s only available at 7-11 stores in the Metro. Here’s what you get inside, or at least 3/4 of it as I couldn’t help but gobble up about 3 pieces while I was taking photos at home.

You can share a box of Hansel Premium Cheese sandwich with someone or hog 'em all! - CertifiedFoodies.com

Continue reading Hansel Premium Cheese Sandwich

Starbucks Mocha Frap Please!

I love enjoying a cup or two of coffee any time of the day. When I’m at home, I usually end up with instant coffee mixes and I prefer a hot cup of coffee. But, whenever I’m out with friends, Starbucks is my favorite coffee place. I love, love, love their Mocha Frappuccino.

My favorite Starbucks Frap - Mocha! - CertifiedFoodies.comMy Mocha Frap at Starbucks Gateway Mall, Cubao

I love the bittersweet taste of mocha, mixed with coffee and milk. I honestly haven’t tried their Dark Mocha Frappuccino yet, but I know I gotta try it real soon! It’s just that I keep on forgetting whenever I’m at Starbucks (I think I’ve been to Starbucks once or twice weekly for the past month). I think my mind’s programmed to always order their Mocha Frap. That’s how much I love it! 😀

I’ve tried and loved their Java Chip Frappuccino, too. The mocha flavors mixed in with chocolate chips, topped with mocha drizzle – just heaven! I don’t order this as often as the plain mocha Frap though ‘cause I usually prefer to drink my coffee straight up, without any chips mixed into it.

Everyone in my family are coffee lovers. Well, Ken used to be. But, after drinking too much coffee when he was studying for the Nursing Licensure board exams (which he passed with flying colors, by the way :)), he can no longer enjoy coffee as much as before.

So, he goes for Starbucks non-caffeinated drinks like their Strawberries and Cream Frappuccino.

Starbucks Strawberries and Cream and Mocha Frappuccino - CertifiedFoodies.comStrawberries & Cream and Mocha Frappuccinos at Magallanes

Continue reading Starbucks Mocha Frap Please!

The Stock Market at Bonifacio High Street

Last week, Ken and I were invited to an intimate dinner with fellow bloggers at The Stock Market Cafe in Bonifacio High Street to introduce us to their new menu.

The Stock Market Cafe at B3 Bonifacio High Street in Global City Taguig - CertifiedFoodies.com

We were told to come in our 1930s clothes. Ken dressed up all in black, with a buttoned up polo and hat. Hannah of FlairCandy was also there and she wore a Chicago-inspired dress. She looked more like Cleopatra and was really pretty. Here’s the 3 of us right before dinner:

Us with Hannah of FlairCandy.com - CertifiedFoodies.comI know, I only wore that printed blouse. I don’t have any skirts or dresses in my wardrobe. 😀

Continue reading The Stock Market at Bonifacio High Street

The Art of Cheese : Perfect Italiano Second Mystery Dinner

I heard about Perfect Italiano’s Mystery Dinners (aka guerilla dinners) from fellow bloggers and I was hoping my brother Ken and I would get to join next time around. So, when I found out on Perfect Italiano’s Facebook page that the signups for the second Mystery Dinner was open, I immediately informed him and my blogger friends to try their luck, too. Fortunately, Ken and I were picked to join their upcoming Mystery Dinner. And on May 13th, we were both excited about it, especially after we received the invite a day or two before. The only clues we received were to wear something artsy or with loud prints. Plus, this: A clue to the theme of Perfect Italiano's Second rMystery Dinner - CertifiedFoodies.com We were told to be at Starbucks Magallanes and we’ll be “whisked away” to the mystery location for the dinner. After we met a few more people who got invited, including Richard from Tales from the Tummy, we headed off to the house of the mystery host somewhere around the area of Magallanes. Aside from the lovely people from Perfect Italiano, we also met Chef JJ Yulo of Pinoy Eats World, chefs who organize mystery or guerilla dinners and food tours in and around the Metro. Here he is, telling us briefly about the host. Chef JJ with a few words before we were let inside the house for the Mystery Dinner - CertifiedFoodies.com Inside, we were greeted by the lovely Aleth Ocampo-Mapa. She’s an artist and loves to cook and bake, too. We were also introduced to Chef Namee who is a part of Pinoy Eats World. She and Chef JJ prepared all 8 courses for our dinner that night.

The lovely host Aleth with Chef JJ and Namee who prepared all the delectable food - CertifiedFoodies.com(Photo from Perfect Italiano’s FB page)

Wait, did you read that part when I said we had an 8-course meal that night?! YES! If we only knew we’d  be eating that amount of food, we wouldn’t have had anything before dinner! 😀

All of us who were at the table - CertifiedFoodies.comOur fellow diners at the table, smiling for the camera while waiting on our first course.

(Photo from Perfect Italiano’s FB page) We were all seated at a long table. In front of us were the menu and info about the different cheeses of Perfect Italiano. The menu and the theme of the Mystery Dinner was revealed - The Art of Cheese - CertifiedFoodies.com Continue reading The Art of Cheese : Perfect Italiano Second Mystery Dinner

The New KFC Cheesy Bacon Twister

KFC Double Down sandwich and California Maki Twister - CertifiedFoodies.com

After the Double Down and California Maki Twister, KFC has launched something new that I bet all of us would enjoy – KFC’s Cheesy Bacon Twister! I can’t wait to try this!

KFC Cheesy Bacon Twister - CertifiedFoodies.com

I loved KFC Double Down sandwich even though it was a li’l salty for me. I just love the combination of the cheese, KFC’s chicken and bacon. Now, I’m glad they lessened the guilt by combining all 3 in a twister!

I super love KFC. In fact, if there’s a KFC addicts meeting, I’d probably be one of them wearing those name plates while I tell my story how I can’t seem to get enough of KFC. But, I won’t be ashamed. KFC always whets my appetite.

Some foodies living outside the Philippines have always been amazed at the new products that KFC here in our country come up with. I guess KFC here just knows how to please the taste of Pinoys. We love to feast! 😉

I might try KFC’s Cheesy Bacon Twister next week when we go grocery-shopping. Have you already tried it? What do you think?


For the Love of KFC…

Written by blankpixels

KFC Double Down Sandwich. Yes, I’m Guilty!

KFC's new poster for their Double Down Sandwich - CertifiedFoodies.comAfter weeks of craving for KFC Double Down sandwich, I finally got to try it! I’ve tried ordering at one of their branches a few days after they launched this new item on their menu and as early as 1pm, the KFC branches were usually out of KFC Double Down sandwiches.

I honestly think it was a marketing strategy by KFC to viral market their new product. And, I can tell you it worked ’cause I think the Double Down was one of the most talked about new fast food products since it was launched. It was like they were playing hard-to-get, increasing the curiosity and eagerness of people to finally get to try it.

Anyway, when I called for delivery, it was around 5pm and the agent on the other line told me they are now required to offer their KFC Double Down sandwiches. I guess that means the hype has finally died down. OR, their viral marketing has already ended. What do you think? Hehehe.

About KFC’s Double Down, if you haven’t seen the commercial or poster yet, it’s the “shamelessly meaty” and sinful new sandwich by KFC. It’s filled with bacon, cheese and mayonnaise, sandwiched between two KFC chicken fillets. If that’s not meaty for you yet, you’re crazy!! *LOL*

My KFC Double Down sandwich - bacon, mayonnaise, cheese and 2 chicken fillets - CertifiedFoodies.com

I’ve read about people saying it was too salty for them so I decided to order Garden Salad (Php 49.50) along with it. I ordered two, one for my parents to share, the other for me and my bro.

KFC Garden Salad - helped in making the Double Down less sinful - CertifiedFoodies.com

I ordered a total of 4 KFC Double Down sandwiches, each cost Php 110.00.

My KFC Double Down sandwich - CertifiedFoodies.com

At first, I thought KFC Double Down wasn’t salty. I was enjoying it a lot. It’s really good, especially because of the KFC chicken fillets. I love KFC’s chicken!

Continue reading KFC Double Down Sandwich. Yes, I’m Guilty!

Very Easy Homemade Quesadilla with Salsa Recipe

I am a big fan of Mexican food. I remember back in college, my friend and I would usually have lunch at this small Mexican food joint near our school in Quezon City. I forgot the name of the place (I’ll update this post when I remember / Update: The name of the place is Miggy’s! Thanks to my college lunch buddy Garet for remembering) , but I so love their Churros and Quesadilla.

The owner makes a really mean salsa that complements their chicken quesadilla. I never forgot how it tasted. And since then, I was always open for an any-day meal at any Mexican restaurant I can find.

I’ve already tried Mexicali and Taco Bell. But, I’m going to try them again just so I can write something fresh about them. I remember Taco Bell’s Quesadilla and salsa being too bland for my taste, especially when I compare it to that Mexican joint I used to frequent in college.

A few weeks ago, I was really craving for some Mexican food and I wanted to try to make quesadillas at home. So, we scoured the Landmark supermarket in Trinoma to find the ingredients I need. Unfortunately, though, not all that I wanted were available but I made sure that the salsa ingredients were complete. For me, that’s the most important part of the whole quesadilla experience – the slightly bitter-sweet and spicy flavors of the salsa mixed with the bit of saltiness of the chicken and the cheese in the quesadilla.

Here’s my own recipe of the chicken quesadilla. It’s so simple, anyone can make it at home. I’m proud to say that I got the right flavors on my salsa that my brother and I forgot all about our limits. It was THAT good… well, for us. And I know you’re going to enjoy this, too.

Some may prefer guacamole or sour cream for their quesadilla. I love salsa though, but I’m going to try these other dips/sauces next time.

For the salsa, you can take out the cumin or garlic powder if you’re making this for your kids since they might not like these strong flavors. You can also click site here if you’d like to read reviews of the best quesadilla makers if you want to get a more authentic quesadilla look and feel.

Chicken Quesadilla with salsa - CertifiedFoodies.com

Chicken Quesadilla and Salsa Recipe

Continue reading Very Easy Homemade Quesadilla with Salsa Recipe

KFC’s California Maki Twister and BBQ Rods

  KFC - It's Finger Licking Good! - CertifiedFoodies.com
KFC – It’s Finger Licking Good!


Last week, my brother and I had food delivered from KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken), my favorite chicken food joint. We were both craving for their chicken and BBQ rods, so we decided to have them for lunch. We also haven’t tried their new California Maki Twister yet so we added it to our order, plus two KFC Go-go sandwiches for my parents.

By the way, I wish KFC will bring back their Go-go Dragon sandwich. I super love it and I’ve been craving for it.

    KFC BBQ Rods - CertifiedFoodies.com
KFC BBQ Rods – yum!
Php 27.50 per stick


The KFC BBQ Rods is currently Kien’s, my brother, addiction. I understand why because it’s good and the sauce really makes it more enjoyable. Not pairing KFC BBQ Rods with rice is like a waste of the sweet taste of the sauce. *LOL*

I ordered 6 sticks of KFC BBQ Rods – five for my bro and one for me. And, I also ordered their two-piece chicken meal. As always, one chicken is Hot and Crispy, the other one’s in Original flavor. What was delivered to us was still warm, so I really enjoyed it even when a couple of customers at our internet cafe were having their photos printed while I was eating away. *grin*

  KFC 2 piece Chicken Meal - Hot and Crispy, Original - CertifiedFoodies.com
KFC 2 piece Chicken Meal – Hot and Crispy, Original
Php 130.90 – ala carte


A few minutes after we were done with lunch, my brother and I decided to have a taste of KFC’s California Maki Twister. We only ordered one since we can share it anyway. I haven’t had sushi ever (but I will, soon!!), so I didn’t really know what to expect. Good thing Kien is a sushi guy, so I told him to let me know if it really tasted close to actual California Maki sushi.

  KFC California Maki Twister - CertifiedFoodies.com.jpg
KFC California Maki Twister
Php 86.90 – a li’l expensive for me, but I loved it.


When I took my first bite, the mango filling gushed out of my half of the Twister. It was so good, I can eat another one without feeling guilty. Might need women’s weight loss pills afterwards, though. Hahaha. But, seriously, I loved it!

  What's inside KFC's California Maki Twister - Mangoes, cucumber, wasabi - CertifiedFoodies.com.jpg
What’s inside KFC’s California Maki Twister – Mangoes, cucumber, wasabi


The KFC California Maki Twister is made up of cucumber, mango and a hint of wasabi wrapped in a toasted tortilla. Kien said it tasted close to the sushi version. That made me want to try sushi on our next food trip. Woohoo!

Again, KFC didn’t fail my tastebuds. I was quite full after everything we ate. It was like our last supper / meal before we start on our “gradual” diet. But, for now, I am really craving for another KFC California Maki Twister!


Have you tried KFC’s California Maki Twister already?

What do you think? Let me know if you enjoyed it, too.


Written by blankpixels

Continue reading KFC’s California Maki Twister and BBQ Rods

We Love Subway Sandwiches!

Subway Sandwiches and MOA branch review - CertifiedFoodies.com

Subway is the world’s largest submarine sandwich restaurant and for years, we’ve wanted to try one of their sandwiches. Mai is not really into sandwiches before I came along so now that we both love it, we decided to try Subway’s famous sandwiches at their branch in SM Mall of Asia.

Did you count how many times I said “sandwich” in the above paragraph? Expect more. *grin*

Subway branch in MOA - CertifiedFoodies.com

Subway has a wide range of sandwiches you can choose from. Here’s their menu:

Subway complete menu - CertifiedFoodies.com

Mai ordered the Spicy Italian sandwich (PhP 125), and I ordered the Subway Melt sandwich (Php 150, with sliced chicken, ham and bacon).

To start, we were asked what bread we want. We can choose between Italian, Wheat, Honey Oat and Parmesan Oregano. I chose Wheat, Mai chose the last one.

Continue reading We Love Subway Sandwiches!