Certified Foodies is a personal blog owned, maintained and written by us, siblings Michelle (Mhel) and Kenneth (Ken) Ignacio. All the opinions or views expressed here are our own unless stated otherwise (for guest posts / contributions).

Reviews / Features

Majority of the posts you will see here are not sponsored. We may receive compensation, invites or freebies from individuals, companies or restaurants with the intent of getting featured here. We can assure you that no matter what, we will express our honest opinions every time. The decision to post about them is solely at our discretion.

Like what we always say, take anything you see online with a grain of salt. What we mean by this is all our posts here are based on OUR experience. You may have a completely different experience and, thus, have a different view on any food, product or restaurant we write about here. We are not experts, but just two people who love food and its enjoyment. With that said, feel free to share your opinions for the sake of everyone who’ll be reading our posts.

We do give our own criticisms when warranted or justified. But, we do this without the intention of causing harm, defamation or slander towards anyone. Thus, we will not be held liable for libel nor be bound to indemnify anyone in any form if ever any of our posts or photos we publish here cause loss, damage or inconvenience to a person, a brand or company, a group of people or restaurant.


Disclosure Policy

We accept cash advertising, sponsorships and other forms of compensation on this blog that may range from free menu tasting, meals, gift certificates, etc. We also accept products for feature on this blog, some of which are given for us to keep.

We will always give our honest opinions and be as constructive as we can when necessary. That goes for ALL posts in this blog – paid and non-paid. We don’t accept advertisements or partnerships from brands, people or companies we don’t believe in.

The compensation will influence the topics on this blog but will NEVER affect how we will write our reviews. We will always write them as honestly and as unbiased as possible.

The contents that were sponsored or paid may not always be identified. We can assure you, though, that these paid contents won’t affect the quality of our posts. We will only accept offers if we agree with the terms, especially if it will not affect the quality of this blog. Again, we decide what gets published here on our blog.


Blog Content

All photos, videos or any other contents published here are our properties unless stated otherwise.

No one will tell you that plagiarism is okay. So, we will not tolerate anyone copying any of our contents (photos, write-ups, etc) without our verbal (oral or written) permission. Please respect all the hard work we put into this blog.


Blog Comments

Comments and reactions submitted by visitors or readers of our blog is in no way our responsibility, thus we cannot be held liable for their words, actions or intent as well. We do moderate comments here, but we keep the transparency of our blog intact by letting negative comments to be posted. Their comments do not, in any way, reflect the opinions of the writers for this blog.


Guest Posts / Contributions

We do accept article contributions here on our blog. The author’s name will always be indicated within the post. Proper credit will always be given to anyone who provides us with their own contents (photos, articles, videos, etc). Publishing them on our blog means we accept the quality of their contents for posting here, but it doesn’t necessarily mean we agree with them 100%. It’s still the guest poster’s opinion in the end and not ours.



Again, please take anything you read here with a grain of salt. And let’s respect each other’s views. 🙂

For questions about this blog, please feel free to contact us.

Thank you for visiting our blog. 🙂