Philips Air Fryer Introduces the New Way to Fry Food – Air as the New Oil!

Fried chicken. Pork chops. French fries. Bagnet. Lechon Kawali. Fried tilapia. Buffalo wings.

Homestyle Buffalo Wings with Cheesy Garlic Dip -

Those are just six of our favorite comfort food here in our home. They’re good and easy to prepare. We can come up with our own sauces, marinades, etc.. However, we wish there’s a way to enjoy these delicious dishes without the guilt of eating anything oily.

That’s why when we were invited to the launch of Philips Air Fryer, we were both really curious to know how the dishes cooked in it would compare against real fried food.

Philips Air Fryer launch was held at Simply Thai in Greenbelt -

We headed to Simply Thai in Greenbelt 5 last July 12th for the launch of this new innovation from Philips. At the event was Divine Lee with her fierce followers who won invites from her blog. She hosted the launch and was very entertaining. 😀

Host Divine Lee with her fierce followers who were invited to the launch -

Green chef himself, Chef Sau del Rosario, also graced the event as the ambassador of healthy eating and Philips MyKitchen. He truly is one of the most sought-after chefs in the country to-date. We’ve seen him like four times already in the span of 3 months. That only shows how much impact he has in the culinary and food industry here.

Air is the New Oil. That’s the theme of the night. We had doubts, really, ‘til we were served with these delicious appetizers that were all “air-fried” using the Philips AirFryer.

All these are air-fried by the Philips Air Fryer -

We actually took a bite of the spicy chicken lollipop first before the server told us they were all air-fried. Yes, everything you see on that plate – spring rolls, dumplings/wantons and the chicken lollipops – were all fried using air. 🙂

We were pretty amazed and started wishing they’d raffle off some units during the launch ‘cause we really wanted to have one. 😀 Well, they raffled off 2 and we didn’t win. 🙁 But, we’d love to get our hands on one! 🙂

As much as we love fried food, the whole frying task can be a bit rough, especially when you’re frying pork. You’d need something to protect you from all the oil that’ll splatter from the pan. This can truly be a hassle, especially when you’re entertaining friends at home. Plus, all the smoke from the cooking will stick on you the whole day. And unless you’re using a non-stick pan, clean-up can be tiring, too. 😐

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