Seattle’s Best Coffee New Christmas Inspired Drinks and Partnership with World Vision

A couple of weeks ago, we were invited to the launch of Seattle’s Best Coffee’s new Christmas-inspired drinks and their new partnership with World Vision, the world’s largest child sponsorship agency, an advocacy we support so we gladly came to celebrate with them along with fellow bloggers. While waiting for the program to start, we went in their cafe and ordered Mocha Javakula, Strawberry Milkshake and their Oreo cheesecake.

We ordered Seattle's Best Coffee's Strawberry Milk shake, Mocha Javakula and Oreo cheesecake

The program started a little late at around 7pm when the hosts finally came on-stage – Divine Lee and her beau Victor Basa. They first introduced us to Seattle’s Best new blends in time for Christmas – Chocolate Cherry, Coffee Hazelnut, Cookies and Mint, and Coffee Cream Pie.

Seattle's Best new Christmas inspired blends

Just by the names of these new blends, you’d know they sure will tickle your taste buds. We got to try a hot cup of Coffee Hazelnut with white chocolate that night and we loved the sweet nuttiness of this blend. Surely, there’s one flavor that will be your favorite. 🙂

After the presentation of the new flavors, they shared with us the story behind the partnership of Seattle’s Best and World Vision by calling on the 4 ambassadors of the said advocacy here in the Philippines – Tintin Bersola-Babao, Cristalle Belo, Marc Nelson and Miriam Quiambao.

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