Winners of our Jollibee Breakfast Joys Treat

by | Oct 30, 2011 | 4 comments

Jollibee Breakfast Joys MealsFinally, after a couple of days deciding on who should win in our Jollibee Breakfast Joys giveaway, we have picked 3 winners. It was difficult, not only because there were a lot of good entries, but because we have different opinions. BUT, we ended up with a unanimous decision.

Since most of the entries had similarities, we picked those with the most unique statements or tips, but are more on the realistic side, meaning both of us can actually apply them in real life or those that we’ve tried ourselves and have been proven effective. 🙂

Again, the task was to share your top THREE (3) tips on how to start your day with a bright and positive note.

Without further ado, here are the THREE (3) winners who will each win a treat for 5 of their friends or family to a Jollibee Breakfast Joys meal:

#1: Ke-si

My top 3 tips to start the day right:

1. Listen to the Morning Rush with Chichi and Gigi! Their top ten topics are so hilarious, they’d help in making you busog aside from Jollibee’s meals! Plus they’re energy can make you positive all day long!

2. A good morning kiss from a loved one/significant other. Nothing beats the kilig from this source! 😀

3. Have a to-do list so that you’ll be organize all throughout the day and you won’t be harassed =)

Mhel: I used to listen to the Morning Rush too and yes, I agree, it’s fun to start your day with laughter! And you had us at the good morning kiss and the kilig factor. But the to-do list is what made this entry our top pick. 🙂


#2: Filamay Asturias Beboso

Top three (3) tips on how to start the day with a bright and positive note:

– Start the Day with a Good Breakfast: By eating a good, healthy breakfast that will fills you up as part of your daily needs; you give a kick-start to your metabolism when it needs it most.

– Read a positive book for 30 minutes. Reading something educational will mean you are improving yourself, it will run through your mind for the rest of the day and it will become a part of you. Spend some time growing mentally each day.

– SMILE  With a big smile on your face see how different people react to you when they meet you that day. People will be friendlier, more talkative and easier to approach. Put on a friendly face and people will find you more open and respond in kind. People being friendly would help your day start off right wouldn’t it?

“Spend some time growing mentally each day” – Our mantra. We should never stop learning a new thing or two everyday, may it be a new word, or something about what’s happening in the world of science, technology, etc.

And, yes, when you put on a smile on your face, you only not feel lighter, but you affect everyone around you too. Tried and tested. 🙂


#3: Ryan De Ocampo

Start Your Day Right!

1. Stretch those muscles.. this loosen up tight muscles and enhances proper blood circulation – believe it or not – this morning activity is enough to keep you going the whole day (that’s why our body do it involuntarily).  Ever wondered why cats do it often? – to keep them agile and alert.  Better stretched cats gets the better stretched mice. 😀

2. Smile.. is another form of stretching.  And while you’re at it, do some facial stretches too.  Smiling every morning also keeps your emotional state in check.  Smile and try not to lose it the whole day.  If someone asks you why you smile so much.. tell them smiling is a more cheaper way to get noticed than wearing some new clothes 😀

3. Thank God for a brand new day.  If you are grateful, more blessings will come your way.  Learn to appreciate the little things like enjoying a good JOLLIBEE breakfast with my wife, 2 kids and Nanay delivered to our house courtesy of CERTIFIED FOODIES 😀 Thanks in Advance Mhel and Ken!

The wonders of stretching, smiling and being grateful to God – though these have been mentioned a couple of times by the other participants, Ryan had the best explanation as to why they’re part of his top tips.

To Ke-si, Filamay and Ryan, to confirm your identity, please send us a message through Facebook using the same account you used to post about the giveaway. PM us your complete name, delivery address and contact number through Mhel’s FB profile.

To everyone who didn’t win, we hope you still all continue to follow your morning rituals to start your day right. And, while you’re at it, let Jollibee’s Breakfast Joys Meals energize you for the whole day. 🙂

Have a blessed long weekend, everyone! 🙂


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  1. Kristine Concepcion

    thank you again! weee can’t wait! ^^ 

  2. Jenn

    Congratulations to all the winners!

  3. Issa

    congratulations to the winners!

  4. Rain De Ocampo

    Thanks so much Certified Foodies for this wonderful treat!!! 🙂 More power to your blog!!!  Congratulations also to the other winners!! 


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