Finally, the McRib! We’re Loving It!

by | May 18, 2015 | 0 comments

Seeing all the hype online about McDo’s McRib sandwich only made Ken and I salivate with anticipation to finally taste it. Only select stores had them available when we first heard that it’s finally here in the Philippines, so we had to control our craving for it. πŸ˜€

McRib giveaway!!

Fast forward to over a week ago, McDo sent us McRib sandwiches, and I invited my office friends after work to taste it with me. We had a McRib party! πŸ˜€

It's a McRib Party!!

I personally enjoyed every bite that I actually ate almost half of one of my friends’ leftovers because she couldn’t finish the whole thing (she has a small appetite). πŸ˜€ The McRib‘s smoky, sweet and tangy flavors really hit the spot for me. I would really like more of the barbecue sauce, but overall, it was delish! πŸ™‚

There were some mixed reviews like they wish there were more veggies in there, but I told them there’s an option to go for the McRib Deluxe, which has no pickles in it. Instead, you’ll get fresh lettuce and creamy mayonnaise. I prefer the original – with pickle slices and onions. Mmmm! πŸ™‚

McRib sandiwch with pickles and onions

Oh, and don’t let the name McRib fool you. There are no bones in it. πŸ˜€ In between the caramelized, soft buns is a pork patty that’s shaped like a rib. It’s tender and juicy.

McRib sandwich - juicy barbecue pork patty, with pickles and onions

You can order the McRib for only Php 99 a la carte. If you want the Deluxe, it’s Php 199. Visit their online delivery site, or call 8-MCDO. You can also download their delivery app. πŸ™‚



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